Upcoming Events
Scroll down for the details of some of our upcoming events

Family Music
Children birth through age 5, along with their grown-ups, enjoy musical dances, songs, instrument play, and stories in an interactive, fun, and age appropriate class...

Alegria (Joy)
Children in 1st and 2nd grades engage in playful music making and fun movement games...

Melodia (Melody)
Children in 3rd-6th grades develop their vocal techniques and expand their music literacy skills through engaging games...

Sanctuary Choir
All adults who love singing are welcome on Thursdays at 7:15 p.m. in Armitage Hall as we rehearse to share the word of God in song...

Intergenerational Bell Choir
Youth and adults are welcome to be part of an intergenerational bell choir...

Together Women Rise
Join with likeminded women and allies the third Sunday of the month…

Family Music
Children birth through age 5, along with their grown-ups, enjoy musical dances, songs, instrument play, and stories in an interactive, fun, and age appropriate class...

Melodia (Melody)
Children in 3rd-6th grades develop their vocal techniques and expand their music literacy skills through engaging games...

Styrofoam Collection
Valley's Earth Care team will be collecting rigid Styrofoam the first and third Thursdays of the month from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in the East parking lot...

Non-Perishable Food Collection
To reduce food insecurity in our neighborhood, we will collect non-perishable food items the first and third Thursdays of the month from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in the East parking lot...

Intergenerational Bell Choir
Youth and adults are welcome to be part of an intergenerational bell choir...

Family Music
Children birth through age 5, along with their grown-ups, enjoy musical dances, songs, instrument play, and stories in an interactive, fun, and age appropriate class...

Alegria (Joy)
Children in 1st and 2nd grades engage in playful music making and fun movement games...

Melodia (Melody)
Children in 3rd-6th grades develop their vocal techniques and expand their music literacy skills through engaging games...

Sanctuary Choir
All adults who love singing are welcome on Thursdays at 7:15 p.m. in Armitage Hall as we rehearse to share the word of God in song...

Intergenerational Bell Choir
Youth and adults are welcome to be part of an intergenerational bell choir...

Palm Sunday
Worship begins with a palm branch procession as we remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem…

Maundy Thursday Supper & Service
A simple soup meal will be served along with a celebration of the Lord’s supper…

Good Friday Worship Service
Multnomah Presbyterian Church will host a service to remember Jesus’ last hours and events leading to his crucifixion…

Easter Sunday
On Easter morning, we will celebrate the resurrection at 10:00 a.m. at Valley Church…

Youth Second Sunday
Youth, 6th-12th grade will gather for a time of food and fellowship…

Sanctuary Choir
All adults who love singing are welcome on Thursdays at 7:15 p.m. in Armitage Hall as we rehearse to share the word of God in song...

Non-Perishable Food Collection
To reduce food insecurity in our neighborhood, we will collect non-perishable food items the first and third Thursdays of the month from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in the East parking lot...

Styrofoam Collection
Valley's Earth Care team will be collecting rigid Styrofoam the first and third Thursdays of the month from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in the East parking lot...

Melodia (Melody)
Children in 3rd-6th grades develop their vocal techniques and expand their music literacy skills through engaging games...

Alegria (Joy)
Children in 1st and 2nd grades engage in playful music making and fun movement games...

Ash Wednesday Worship Service
We begin Lent on Wednesday, March 5, with a worship service in the sanctuary at 4:00 p.m…

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Love to knit or want to learn? Join a group of knitters every first Tuesday…

Sanctuary Choir
All adults who love singing are welcome on Thursdays at 7:15 p.m. in Armitage Hall as we rehearse to share the word of God in song...

Melodia (Melody)
Children in 3rd-6th grades develop their vocal techniques and expand their music literacy skills through engaging games...

Alegria (Joy)
Children in 1st and 2nd grades engage in playful music making and fun movement games...

Family Music
Children birth through age 5, along with their grown-ups, enjoy musical dances, songs, instrument play, and stories in an interactive, fun, and age appropriate class...

Intergenerational Bell Choir
Youth and adults are welcome to be part of an intergenerational bell choir...

Sanctuary Choir
All adults who love singing are welcome on Thursdays at 7:15 p.m. in Armitage Hall as we rehearse to share the word of God in song...

Non-Perishable Food Collection
To reduce food insecurity in our neighborhood, we will collect non-perishable food items the first and third Thursdays of the month from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in the East parking lot...

Styrofoam Collection
Valley's Earth Care team will be collecting rigid Styrofoam the first and third Thursdays of the month from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in the East parking lot...

Melodia (Melody)
Children in 3rd-6th grades develop their vocal techniques and expand their music literacy skills through engaging games...

Alegria (Joy)
Children in 1st and 2nd grades engage in playful music making and fun movement games...

Family Music
Children birth through age 5, along with their grown-ups, enjoy musical dances, songs, instrument play, and stories in an interactive, fun, and age appropriate class...

Intergenerational Bell Choir
Youth and adults are welcome to be part of an intergenerational bell choir...

Together Women Rise
Join with likeminded women and allies the third Sunday of the month…

Sanctuary Choir
All adults who love singing are welcome on Thursdays at 7:15 p.m. in Armitage Hall as we rehearse to share the word of God in song...

Melodia (Melody)
Children in 3rd-6th grades develop their vocal techniques and expand their music literacy skills through engaging games...

Alegria (Joy)
Children in 1st and 2nd grades engage in playful music making and fun movement games...

Family Music
Children birth through age 5, along with their grown-ups, enjoy musical dances, songs, instrument play, and stories in an interactive, fun, and age appropriate class...

Intergenerational Bell Choir
Youth and adults are welcome to be part of an intergenerational bell choir...
What’s happening in our building? Check out our full monthly calendar of church and community activities at the link below.