Worship & Music
Worship & Music
We anchor our life together in the vibrant worship of the living God. In Sunday worship, we cultivate thoughtful, reflective faith through regular engagement with Scripture. We sense the Spirit moving through music, prayer, the spoken word, and faith traditions. Our style is orderly but not formal and don’t be surprised if the passing of the peace goes on and on as we love taking time to greet visitors and one another warmly.
We believe in gathering as an intergenerational community and provide interactive materials for children 5 and over.
Nursery care is available for children birth through age 4.
Music Ministries
Every Sunday our singers and musicians lead us in music both old and new, traditional, and modern that point to Jesus’ grace and love for all people.
Sanctuary Choir
All adults who love singing are welcome as we share the word of God in song and enjoy community. Our director, Kimi Davies, helps us grow in our love of singing and performing at our best level. We rehearse Thursdays at 7:15 PM throughout the school year and sing in worship twice a month. For more information, email Phill Hatton at phillhatt2@gmail.com.
Handbell Choir
Our intergenerational handbell choir brings together teens and adults with basic music reading ability to ring and rejoice. We meet Sunday afternoons from 12:30-1:15 PM. For more information email Amy Rheingans at Amy@valleycommunity.org.
Kids & Teens Drama & Choirs
Kids and teens, pre-school through 12th grade, develop community and make friends through choral singing and acting in joyful, inclusive environments. Through sharing their music and drama in community performances, participants inspire and uplift others. For more information email Amy@valleycommunity.org
Family Music Class
Songs, stories and musical games are enjoyed by children age newborn through preschool, accompanied by a grown-up. We meet Tuesday mornings from 9:30-10:15 AM. Click here to register.
Music Makers
Music Makers is for children ages 4-6 who experience music through playful activities, games, and movement. We meet on Wednesdays from 5:00-5:45 PM. Click here to register.
Alegria (Joy)
Alegria is for children in 1st grade who learn how music communicates feelings and the basic fundamentals of tempo, beat, echo and melody. We meet on Wednesdays from 4:15-5:15 PM. Click here to register
Melodia (Melody)
Melodía is for children in 2nd-5th grades who discover different music styles and experience the sheer joy of singing with each other in unison and harmony. We meet on Wednesdays from 5:00-6:00 PM. Click here to register